I’ve been busy making art and not doing much blogging! Some of the highlights have been meeting Kathyanne White (http://www.kathyannewhite.com/about.html). She will be the keynote speaker for the SLMM (http://www.slmm.org/) annual meeting in Taos next October and will be giving a workshop in May at the Dragonfly Gallery( http://dragonflygallerytx.com/)in Austin. I will be teaching an beginning encaustic class there on May 11 and 12. If you want to try out encaustics this will be a good place to start.
I also visited in San Miguel de Allende and got to meet and take an advanced encaustic class from Eschwan Winding http://www.ezshwan.com. She does the most beautiful encaustic portraits and really captures the soul of Mexico with her vivid colors and textures.
I hung 21 pieces of small and middle sized encaustic at the University Baptist Church. I did all floral abstracts for this show to celebrate Easter, the flowering of the cross and spring. They looked bright hanging down the hall gallery.
I’m working on series that include the Fault Lines, Nebulae and Strata. Having fun with these so we’ll see when something new emerges.
Hi Rae, thanks for the mention.I’m looking forward to seeing your new paintings.